Delivering Excellence Every Time
Our auctioneer’s license empowers us to carry on the business of repossession throughout the country. We have been to every part of the Country from Mombasa to Kisumu, Busia to Mandera, Turkana to Namanga, and Isiolo to Loitoktok e.t.c. We know the geographical area of all the 47 Counties of the Country. Our good knowledge of the country makes it possible for us to trace and repossess client’s security quickly. Over the years we have been able to established close and reliable networks all over the country. We have successfully executed several repossessions for financial institutions including commercial banks, microfinance companies, Hire purchase companies, Motor vehicle dealers, Credit companies, Saccos e.t.c We have in our panel a list of reliable break -down / towing service providers who assist us in repossession.
We also have a close association with the Police service who provide us with security during difficult repossessions. We conduct repossessions within the set legal standards and also conduct ourselves in a manner befitting our standing as licensed auctioneers. We provide free advice on all our services to our clients and also to those who would wish to engage us.